Let Your Light Shine


Equipping kids to know God, grow their faith, and go be the light of the world.

(Adapted from Matthew 5:14-16)


The Nursery is for babies and toddlers up to age 2. Our KidSafe volunteers not only care for and nurture our tiniest attenders, they engage children in Bible stories in ways appropriate for their development level. Nursery kids will hear music, a story, and engage in sensory play -- all based on the week’s Scripture. The Nursery opens at 9:50 a.m. so parents can transition their child before joining the 10 a.m. Worship Service.


This class is for children ages 3 to Kindergarten. After a time of worship as a congregation, kids will be dismissed to their classes. Teachers will meet their kids in the front lobby. In this class, kids enjoy age-appropriate lessons about stories from the Bible. They engage in the week's Scripture by watching videos, singing, playing, and making a craft to take home. After the service, parents pick up their children from the classroom. If your child chooses to stay with you during the service, please ensure they are not unsupervised in the auditorium or in the hallways.


For kids in Grades 1-5. Our Elementary Class kids engage in lessons from the Bible and learn how those stories relate to their lives. Kids will dig in to Scripture, learn how to navigate the Bible, watch a short video about the lesson, and play games that reinforce their learning. They also have the opportunity to engage with their peers during age-specific breakout groups to discuss what they’ve learned. After the service, parents pick up their children from their classrooms. If your child chooses to stay with you during the service, please ensure they are not unsupervised in the auditorium or in the hallways.


Kids in grades 1-4 are invited to join Valley Kids Club! At Girls Club and Boys Club, kids enjoy games, crafts, fun speakers, creative Bible lessons, and service projects every Tuesday night. This takes place in a safe, caring environment with Kid-Safe certified and trained adult leaders. Valley Kids Club takes place from 6:15-7:45 p.m., beginning September 10, at Valley Community Baptist Church in Avon, CT. The annual cost is $45.

Learn More


Fusion is for kids in grades 1-5, and their families. Fusion events are awesome opportunities for kids to get to know each other, for families to connect, and for faith and fellowship to happen. Our next event is a World Outreach Week Fusion Game Day and Donation Drive on Saturday, March 15, from 3-5 p.m. at Valley Simsbury Headquarters (3 Mill Pond Lane). Click the link for details and sign-up information!

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Our Moms and Minis (M&Ms) gathering is for moms of kids under 5 who are looking to build relationships with other moms, engage in Scripture, provide and receive encouragement, and share in all thing “mom”! This group meets two Fridays each month at 3 Mill Pond Lane in Simsbury. No RSVP needed. Kids are welcome, and free childcare is provided for ages 5 and under. If you need childcare, please let Jillian Conway know at jconway@valleycommunity.cc.


Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it"

KIDS events





At Valley Simsbury, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your children. We require all volunteers in our children’s ministry to complete the KidSafe Application process, which thoroughly evaluates their character, background, and experience. This rigorous process includes reference checks, background screenings, and specialized training, ensuring that our volunteers are trustworthy and well-prepared to care for your child.

We understand how important it is for parents to feel confident about their children's safety. That’s why we encourage you to meet your child’s teachers and get to know the caring volunteers who will be guiding them in their faith journey. We are dedicated to creating a safe and loving environment for every child.



Thank you for your interest in serving with kids at Valley Simsbury. 

  • Each person completes a KidSafe application, including current contact information and the email addresses of three (3) character references. These three references must not be related to the applicant. 
  • References are contacted to check on the applicant's suitability for working with children.
  • The applicant receives an email directing them to the Secure Search Website.
  • The applicant must go to that site and give permission for a background check to be run.
  • The background check is completed and assessed by the Database Coordinator.
  • The applicant will receive an email from the Database Coordinator containing a link for the Ministry Safe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training.
  • An interview is conducted with the applicant by a church staff member or an approved interviewer.
  • Once the background check is clear, the references found to be positive, the online training is completed, and the interviewer determines the applicant is suitable to work with children, the process is complete.

Thank you for your willingness to serve and for taking the time to walk through this process.