Valley Simsbury is a congregation of Valley Community Baptist Church that was launched in fall 2017 with a passion to bless the churchless populations in Simsbury and the surrounding towns. With more people in America never going to church, we were sent out to pilot a different form of ministry. Rather than attracting people to a church building, we decentralize and offer opportunities to connect with Jesus and discipleship where we live, work, and play.


Life Together

The Christian life was never meant to live alone. As God’s children, we are brothers and sisters who gather together for real-life care and connection, discipleship, biblical teaching, and to worship and celebrate the goodness and Glory of God. 

We believe that we can do more together than apart. We believe that church is people more than place. We believe that our worship together prepares us for a life of worship when apart.

In shifting times, we remain rooted in the eternal truths of God, the Gospel, and the church found in the Scriptures. These truths never change, but the places we gather together and disciple one another do. We need to position ourselves to reach those far from God with the grace and mercy of God. 

On Mission

We’re called to live with a missionary mindset in the natural rhythms of everyday life. Since many people have no intention of going to church, we represent the church where they are. 

At Valley Simsbury, we build meaningful friendships with people far from God, and we walk with people in the everyday issues and questions of life. This provides our best opportunity to share the Gospel as we live the Great Commission in the spaces people work, live, and play.

We celebrate community involvement, neighborhood friendships, serving in town organizations, and building workplace relationships. We design evangelistic and discipleship environments in homes or in spaces well-known to the unchurched, and we plan our worship gatherings with the unchurched in mind. 

For God’s Glory

God is unmatched in all of history, and Jesus incarnate perfectly revealed the goodness and glory of God. For this reason, there is no one greater who we can know, and no one more important for us to point people to. Our power for mission and life comes from the Holy Spirit, for no one else has the power to transform lives or raise people from the dead.

We elevate Him to the highest place in our lives and we live to put Him on display by worshipping Him and Him alone.


  1.  Spirit Filled Worship – 1 Corinthians 2:9-16
  2.  Tight-knit Family – 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12
  3.  Life Transforming Discipleship – Ephesians 4:11-16
  4.  Community Focused Mission - John 20:20-22
  5.  World Reaching Multiplication - Acts 13:2-3